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Plasticine Crow, english subtitles

"Plastic crow" - animated film in 1981 by Alexander Tatarsky. Animation is divided into three independent parts, which, however, have common characters.
director - Alexander M. Tatarsky.
screenwriter - Alexander M. Tatarsky.
artist-producer - Igor Kovalyov.
lyrics (lyrics) - Eduard Uspensky.

Cartoon narrator is talking about, forgotten story Krylov fable "Crow and Fox" and trying to remember the course of his narration.
Fully distorting plot fable, narrator and distorted morality fable -
"Don't ever stand, don't jump around, don't sing or even try to dance, in offlimits construction zones where heavy things might land".
To create the cartoon lasted about 800 kilograms of Soviet plasticine, which because of the flowers had faded color paints.

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